Venezuelan Grassroots Groups Push For A United Movement
- 23 January 2008
Spokespersons from ANMCLA (National Association of Free and Alternative Community Media), FNCEZ (Ezequiel Zamora National Campesino Front), Cultural Centers, and numerous community organizations and movements met and debated in nearly two dozen working groups all weekend long.
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Grassroots leaders meet in El Valle to discuss a unitary platform (Michael Fox). |
Among the proposals discussed were the creation of a grassroots
government council, a grassroots legislative parliament, the formation
of a new grassroots generated Constitutional reform, and a coordinated
direct action plan, all independent of the Venezuelan government.
"This national grassroots meeting has fulfilled our expectations
because we've been able to bring together almost all of the grassroots
organizations in all of Caracas and some other states that could come,"
said Zaida Mujica, a member of La Pastora Cultural Center, who helped
to organize the event. "This isn't going to stop here, this same
initiative is going to be carried out in the communities with the
intention that each community has it's own struggle manifesto, and what
is really going to strengthen this revolution, this process is truly
popular power, and continue to recuperate these values that popular
power is not decreed, it cannot be driven by the institutions. Popular
power is the people themselves."
The pro-Chavez Front of the South is a reflection of the struggle
between government reformists and grassroots Chavez supporters that has
been emerging since Chavez was reelected in December 2006. Over the
last month and a half, these contradictions have increased further, as
many in Chavez's popular base blame the reformists for the defeat of
last December's Constitutional referendum,
"That's why a sector within this very process voted against the reform,
because they don't want this process to go any further. They don't
want, and they're not interested in popular power, and they are people
within this very Bolivarian process," said Father Edmundo Cadenas last
week, a radical Catholic Priest in Bocono, a small mountain town in the
Andean state of Trujillo.
December's Constitutional Reform would have eliminated Presidential
term limits, while passing more power both up to Venezuelan President
Hugo Chavez and down to Venezuela's communal councils and grassroots
base. The Reform's supporters cite multiple reasons for the measure's
defeat, including the complexity of its nearly 70 articles. They also
point to an intense anti-reform media campaign, which told Venezuelans
that if the referendum passed, Venezuelan children would become
property of the state.
Many members of the social movements present this weekend, however, had an even deeper analysis of the reform defeat.
"The first cause is the internal contradiction in the revolution which
is present. There is a reformist sector that has been working
internally to construct a force to build a counterweight to the
revolutionary sector that is in the government," said Orlando Zambrano,
leader of the FNCEZ, on Saturday. "The 2nd cause is the level of
organization and the consciousness of the people which didn't permit
that the people understood the strategic necessity that was proposed in
the reform and the historic possibility to accelerate the revolutionary
process here in Venezuela."
But in the opposition-stronghold Eastern suburbs of Caracas, residents
say that the reform is proof that Chavez's process is losing steam.
"Why didn't Chavez win? Because the people are tired of so much
garbage," said America Rodriguez on Sunday at the Unicentro El Marques
Shopping Center in Caracas. "The people are tired of so much garbage
because every time Chavez goes on a trip it's to embarrass us, the
Venezuelans... and this is the first defeat of many."
With the wide range of reflections across the country, Venezuelan
President Hugo Chavez announced earlier this month that he would be
slowing down slightly his revolutionary process and that this would be
the year of the three R's: "review, rectification, and re-advance."
The social movements at this weekend's meetings appear to be doing just
the opposite. Yesterday they agreed to transform the event in to a
permanent assembly and began plans for a nationwide march in late
February, in support of Socialism and the grassroots agenda.
"When the revolution arrived, the people demobilized because the people
went after this other project and other processes and we abandoned the
street," said longtime community media artist, Ivan Muñoz at this
weekend's event. "Now we are in a juncture where we have to retake the
form of organization and the form of struggle that we had before...
because we didn't realize that the bureaucracy isolated us from this
reality and this deterioration in which we are living."
Listen to the audio file: Pro-Chavez Groups Assemble to Build a Unified Front