Hands Off Venezuela at Helsinki Social Forum

Almost 30 people attended the HoV seminar at the Helsinki Social Forum in Finland on Sunday the 22nd. The discussion revolved around how to respond to the picture of Venezuela given in the mainstream media, the crises of Venezuelan capitalism and the sabotage of the economy by the capitalists.
Juhani Lohikoski
Juhani Lohikoski
Almost 30 people attended the HoV seminar at the Helsinki Social Forum in Finland on Sunday the 22nd. Speakers where Matti Laitinen and Juhani Lohikoski for HoV Finland and Patrik Olofsson for HoV Sweden.

The discussion revolved around how to respond to the picture of Venezuela given in the mainstream media, the crises of Venezuelan capitalism and the sabotage of the economy by the capitalists. The conclusion was made that capitalism is not an option for Venezuela and that socialism is the only road forward.

The general awareness of the events in Latin America by the left in Finland was also shown by a number of seminars devoted to Mexico and Oaxaca.

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