Galician shipyard workers support Venezuelan revolution

ccoo.gifOn Thursday October 6, the Congress of the Workers Commissions (CCOO) branch in Navantia - Ferrol - Galicia (previously Izar, shipyard), unanimously passed the following resolution in solidarity with the Venezuelan Revolution. The resolution was moved by delegates belonging to the critical sector of CCOO.

Resolution in Solidarity with the Venezuelan Revolution

The government of Chavez has carried out a number of plans which have meant an improvement for the poorest sections of society. This has led to a clash with the parasitical Venezuelan oligarchy which has organised a campaign of boycott, with factory closures, investment strikes and flight of capital. This attitude has led the workers to occupy the companies that the employers are abandoning or want to sell to multinational companies in order to speculate with the wealth of Venezuela. In this respect, the struggle of the workers of Venepal, for the expropriation under workers' control of the company, is an example which shows the way forward towards putting the whole of the wealth of the country at the service of Venezuelan society, and put an end to poverty and misery that the majority of the population suffers from. The working class is showing that it is the only class able to make the factories and the economy of country work.

If we consider the people in "rich" and "developed" countries who live in misery, are unemployed, recieve the minimum wage, need subsidies in order to survive, etc then it becomes clear that capitalism is not working for the overwhelming majority of the world's population. The current economic system is very good, but only for those at the top. Hurricane Katrina in the US has uncovered this naked truth. These realities have provocked important revolutionary movements in Latin America. Venezuela, with its Bolivarian Revolution and Socialism of the XXI century has become a point of reference for the peoples of the world in the struggle against neoliberalism.

The 10th Congress of Workers Commissions in Navantia Ferrol shipyard declares itself on the side of the Venezuelan working class in its struggle for a better world, joins the international HANDS OFF VENEZUELA campaign, supported by thousands of trade unionists around the world, sends special greetings to the UNT, our sister trade union confederation, which proved to be on the side of the workers at key moments and expresses its active solidarity with the Venezuelan workers and students fighting for a new society of justice and welfare for all.

Ferrol, October 6, 2005

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