Hands Off Venezuela Western Canada Conference
- 28 April 2008
May 9-10, 2008
SFU @ harbour center
Labatt Room
Join Hands Off Venezuela activists from across the country in this two-day conference about the Venezuelan revolution and the solidarity movement.
Friday, May 9th
7:00 pm Guest Speaker
Jorge Martin, International Secretary of the Hands Off Venezuela Campaign.Jorge has been actively involved in the revolutionary movement in Venezuela. He has also played a leading role in the solidarity movement around the world. Jorge is well known both inside Venezuela and internationally for his analysis of the Bolivarian movement and its path towards socialism.
Saturday, May 10th
10:00 am Film Screening
No Volveran – The Venezuelan Revolution Now!In this in-depth investigation the film makers take us on a journey through the fervor of the Presidential Elections in December 2006, traveling deep into the shanty towns (barrios), and to several factories under workers' control, to find out why there is a movement to over-through Capitalism, what Socialism of the 21st Century is, and how it is changing people's lives.
1:00 pm Panel Discussion
Labour and the Solidarity MovementA panel of speakers from the labour movement will discuss the importance of organized labour to the solidarity movement and to the Venezuelan revolution itself. Including Jim Sinclair - President of the BC Federation of Labour and others.
3:00 pm Panel Discussion
Socialism of the Twenty-first CenturyWhat is Chavez'’s “Socialism of the twenty-first century” and what direction is Venezuela heading? Speakers include HOV activist Alex Grant, editor of Fightback Magazine, and Ian Beeching from the Vancouver Socialist Forum.
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