Venezuelan Government Closes 75 Food Vendors in Aragua State

Venezuela’s National Consumer Protection and Education Institute (Indecu) closed 75 food vendors.

The measure was taken in most cases because of speculation in food sales.

Maracay - Venezuela’s National Consumer Protection and Education Institute (Indecu) closed 75 food vendors located in the main markets of Maracay, Aragua.

Indecu regional coordinator Galo Cisneros commented that the measure was taken in most cases because of speculation in food sales.

He explained that there were also irregularities in the use of the term Bolívares fuertes [strong Bolivar, the new currency] in the publication of prices, deficiencies in sanitary conditions, and lack of receipts being provided to customers.

Cisneros commented that the inspections were carried out simultaneously in the states of Carabobo and Guárico.

Supermarkets, delicatessens, frozen food vendors, bakeries, and other food merchants were exhaustively checked.

All the food vendors located in the popular markets of Aragua will be reviewed over the next few days, he added.

Translation source: venezuelanalysis.com  

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