Hands Off Venezuela at the University of East Anglia Fresher's Fair

On Wednesday, September 28th, two Hands Off Venezuela activists set up a stall at the University of East Anglia (UEA) Fresher’s Fair. The response from students and staff alike was generally very encouraging and positive.

On Wednesday, September 28th, two Hands Off Venezuela activists set up a stall at the University of East Anglia (UEA) Fresher’s Fair.

The response from students and staff alike was generally very encouraging and positive. The university states that any budding society must receive at least 30 signatures in order for it to receive official status and a grant. By the end of the day we had received 35, which was as many as a great deal of established societies and is a very good start at such a small university. We are also expecting many more people to come to the showing of Venezuela Bolivariana and the talk from Jorge Martin on October 10, as posters advertising the event are to be displayed in Norwich city centre and UEA, ensuring that awareness is not raised and limited towards only the small collection of UEA freshers that happened to notice the HOV stall. This will also hopefully help introduce people from all over Norfolk to our campaign and the truth about Venezuela, and with good hard work could lead to the setting up of a Norfolk branch of HOV.

Prior to this, a university lecturer, who has spent a month in Venezuela studying the situation, and many years in various other Latin American nations, contacted HOV in London about arranging to show Venezuela Bolivariana at the university to raise awareness. Hopefully with her help, good knowledge of the university and experience of showing films at UEA on Latin American (which regularly attracted audiences of 50 plus) last year, a vibrant branch can be established in Norwich.

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