20 May 2007
U.S. Hands Off Venezuela
On May 19th the Providence, Rhode Island Hands Off Venezuela campaign
held the final event in Jorge Martin's Canadian / U.S. speaking tour.
On May 19 th the Providence, Rhode Island Hands Off Venezuela campaign
held the final event in Jorge Martin's Canadian / U.S. speaking tour.
Around 25 local workers, students and other activists came to the event
which took place at the D.A.R.E. (Direct Action for Rights and
Equality) office.
gave a 45 minute long presentation on the Venezuelan revolution. He
explained the turning point that the December 3rd 2006 election played
as it marked the overwhelming support the masses have given to the
Bolivarian revolution. He also detailed how the interests of the
workers, the urban poor, and peasants are opposite of those of the
oligarchy and the imperialists, and how this conflict is bringing the
living debate about socialism to the forefront. Jorge gave many
examples of the capitalists in Venezuela subjecting the whole of the
country to a dire situation simply for the sake of private profit:
creating food shortages, leaving fertile land idle, not developing an
national rail system, lack of housing and many other cases where the
people were secondary to profit. He closed the presentation with an
appeal to the people who attended to join in the defense of the
Venezuelan revolution, to get involved in the HOV campaign, but also as
US workers and youth to begin to look down the road toward the American
revolution as the only way to really make the Venezuelan and any other
revolution truly safe from imperialist intervention.
After the
presentation there was time for questions, comments, criticisms etc.
and while there weren't any criticisms, there were very many excellent
questioned asked. One in particular was raised was "of failed
revolutions that have taken place in Central America and what lessons
could be learned?" Jorge explained several of the factors that led to
the defeat of these revolutions, and one important one that applies to
the Venezuelan revolution: the need to take it to its natural
conclusion, that is to finish the revolution by expropriating the
social and economic power the oligarchs and imperialists hold and
transfer it to all of society under democratic control by the masses.
mood of the room was extremely upbeat at the end of the meeting;
everyone began to discuss further and more informally ask Jorge more
questions. Many of the people who attended bought HOV materials, DVDs,
and literature. As well, several people expressed interest in helping
to build the campaign locally. After the event a number of HOV members
and others went out to a local restaurant for more discussion.
The next local HOV event is:
A film showing of "Five Factories"
(Click here for a downloadable flyer for this event)
Thursday May 31st 7pm
At the Rochambeau Library
708 Hope St, Providence
(Take the #42 bus toward Pawtucket)
To get more info or to join the local campaign contact:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 401-359-5301