30 trade union, Labour Party and solidarity delegates and activists participated in the Hands Off Venezuela Conference in London on 8 December. The conference was also the English language premier of Marcha (“March”): the new Terra TV documentary on the peasant march to Caracas in July this year. The delegates passed a strongly worded resolution rejecting imperialist aggression against the Venezuelan Revolution.
This motion against imperialist aggression on Venezuela was unanimously passed by trade union, Labour Party and solidarity activists who participated in the Hands off Venezuela national conference in London on December 8.
A meeting in Brussels under the title "what is really happening in Venezuela" had a turn out of 85 people despite threats from Venezuelan opposition supporters to disrupt it.
On Monday 22nd May a sizeable group of Venezuelan opposition supporters attempted to disrupt a solidarity meeting in London. Who are they and what did they want?
“WHERE IS VENEZUELA GOING?” was the title of a public meeting organised by the Linksjugend ['solid] (Left Youth) federation in the State of Lower Saxony on Wednesday, 2 December 2015, in the city of Brunswick (Braunschweig).