Opposition Also Wins Tachira and Carabobo States in Regional Elections
- 25 November 2008
November 24, 2008 (venezuelanalysis.com)— This morning Venezuela’s
National Electoral Council (CNE) announced that the opposition won in
two more states, in Tachira and Carabobo, which had been too close to
call last night when the first results had been announced. Members of
Chávez’s PSUV (United Socialist Party of Venezuela) thus won
governorships in 17 states, while the opposition won in five.
Cesar Perez Vivas won in Tachira with 49.54% (while Leonardo Salcedo,
for the PSUV got 48.04%) and Henrique Salas Feo won in Carabobo with
47.72% of the vote, Mario Silva, PSUV candidate, obtained 44 .29% and
Luis Acosta, the outgoing governor, running as independent after being
expelled from the PSUV, obtained 6.5%.

Another important race that Chávez’s party lost was in the eastern
Caracas municipality of Sucre, which is mostly poor and lower middle
class. Opposition candidate Carlos Ocariz won there with 55.7% of the
vote against Jesse Chacón, a former minister who at varying times held
the portfolios of Communications and Information, Interior and Justice,
and of Telecommunications.
The opposition now controls four out of Caracas’s five municipalities,
plus the Mayor’s office of Greater Caracas. Previously it controlled
only the three wealthiest municipalities of Chacao, Baruta, and El
Hatillo. The city's largest and poorest municipality, Libertador, was
won by former Vice-President Jorge Rodriguez, though, and thus remains
in control by a Chavez supporter.
In total, Chávez’s party won 17 out of the 22 states in which
governors were elected and obtained about 5.4 million votes in these
contests, which would be about 57% of the total vote. In the 2004
regional elections Chávez’s candidates won in 20 out of the 22
gubernatorial contests. However, in the year or two before this
election, governors in three of these states (in Aragua, Guarico, and
Sucre states) switched over to the opposition.
Meanwhile, the opposition won five states, including the two most
populous states, in addition to the Capital District of Caracas. Four
of these victories represented a switch from PSUV control to opposition
control (Miranda, Tachira, Carabobo, and Greater Caracas), while in two
the opposition maintained its control (Zulia and Nueva Esparta).
Only the state of Amazonas, one of the least populated states, did not
have a gubernatorial election because its election cycle is out of sync
with the rest of the country. It is currently controlled by a Chávez
328 mayor’s positions and 233 state legislatures were also up for election on Sunday. The vast majority of the results of these contests still have to be announced.
Source: venezuelanalysis.com