New HOV Podcast
- 10 October 2007

The second show of HOV FM, the Hands Off Venezuela podcast, is now available for download or to listen to online. This jam-packed show features the latest updates from Venezuela, including Vice-President Jorge Rodriguez’s recent response to the latest US propaganda as well as Foreign Minister Maduro speaking about attempts to facilitate a prisoner swap between the Colombian government and the FARC. We also interviewed Alfredo Toro-Hardy, the Venezuelan Ambassador to the UK, about constitutional reform and the importance of international solidarity and a Hands off Venezuela activist gives us an update on Sanitarios Maracay.
As well as Venezuelan, Cuban and British revolutionary music to keep your heads ringing and George Monbiot on the bloodless western-coup, we also feature a recent discussion on workers' control in Venezuela held at the London Hands off Venezuela branch meeting, and then top it all off with some upcoming events in the US, Canada, UK and Ireland.
{enclose hovpodcastoctober07.mp3}(60 min, 52 sec)
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