Iranian Hands Off Venezuela Campaign launched!

About a year and a half ago, a group of Iranian youth began co-operating with the international Hands Off Venezuela Campaign. At that time the internet page of the Farsi section of the campaign was started and articles in defence of the Venezuelan revolution were translated. Now with the planned trip of the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, to Iran, the time has come to make the campaign official.

America's Hands Off Venezuela!

Launch statement of the Iranian Hand Off Venezuela Campaign

Dear friends,

About a year and a half ago (in February 2005), we, a group of Iranian youth began co-operating with the international Hands Off Venezuela Campaign. At that time the internet page of the Farsi section of the campaign was started and articles in defence of the Venezuelan revolution were translated.

Now with the planned trip of the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, to Iran, we see that the time has come to make our campaign official and therefore launching Hands Off Venezuela (Iran). Our task in this campaign is, on the one hand, to support the Bolivarian revolution and create solidarity between the workers and youth of Iran with the workers and youth of Venezuela, and to expose the conspiracies of the American government against this revolution.

The international Hand Off Venezuela Campaign was launched in December 2002, at a time when the counter-revolutionary forces wanted to overthrow the people's democratically elected President, Hugo Chavez, with the help of the American government. At that time Alan Woods, editor of the In Defence of Marxism website, made an appeal calling for the defence of the Bolivarian revolution and condemning the possible military attack of the American government. This campaign has been commended by Hugo Chavez and during this period has continued its international activities with his approval.

Other sections of the international Hand Off Venezuela Campaign are active in many countries, including:

The United States.

Friends and interested parties who would like to join the campaign and co-operate with it should contact this email address: