Draft Program and Principles of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela
- 24 January 2008
Below is a translation of the draft program and principles of the
provisionally named United Socialist Party of Venezuela, which are
currently being discussed at its founding congress. The documents were
drafted by the provisional leadership of the PSUV.
Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez made his first public call for the
creation a political instrument to unify the country's revolutionary
forces in December 15, 2006. Convened on January 12, 2008, some 1,676
congress delegates elected from almost 15,000 socialist battalions --
local units of the PSUV -- will discuss and debate this draft program,
as well as the proposed priniciples and statutes of the new party, over
the next two months. In between congress sessions, delegates will
return to their local regions and battalions to ensure the widest
possible discussion of these documents among the ranks of the new party.
Draft Program
I. About the program
All revolutionary organisations contain three essential elements:
1. A politico-ideological doctrine
2. A critical analysis of the past and present, and
3. A program for an ideal future with the methods of action through
which to make possible the transition from the present to this ideal
This program for the future is a "catalogue" of solutions to the evils
of the past and present. It is the product of a mixture of discontent
with what one has and the hope for what one aspires to have; an amalgam
of bitterness and illusion. There are programs that focus essentially
on the ethical and legal and there are others that seek to first find a
solution to the social-economic problem.
The methods of action contemplate, in a mixed or simple form, one of
various types of "evolutionism" or "revolutionism". Although, in some
cases, those that adopt a "gradualist" evolutionary method to start
with, get to a point where they agree to accept the possibility of
"revolution" as a last resort, once the doors in the democratic system
have been closed off.
Of course, all methods of action lead to an end: the taking and
exercising of power. This is because possessing power signifies the
possibility - the only concrete one - of directly carrying out in
practice the programs for substituting one political structure for
another, and for changing a defective society for an ideal society. A
political party that does not aspire in some way to take power has no
reason to exist.
Therefore, all programs should contain a "catalogue" of solutions and
the manner in which (times, moments and places) these solutions can be
carried out, understanding that not all elements of this program can be
applied rigidly, indiscriminately and indefinitely in times or places
where conditions are not the same or similar to those when they were
first conceived of. That is why, although the Declaration of Principles
or the Statutes of an organisation tend to be more permanent, its
program or programs of action have to be periodically revised by the
organisation (leadership bodies and congresses). New possibilities and
new necessities are constantly emerging, as well as new problems and
new solution. In regards to the "Programs" of the traditional politics,
they were something which that that were to suffer from were not to be
told about.
II. The program of the PSUV
1. Defence of the revolution. Build socialism
Taking as its starting point the championing and unconditional defence
of the government of the Bolivarian revolution, led by President Hugo
Chavez, and the will of the Venezuelan people to construct the
socialism of the 21st century, the program of the PSUV is the
instrument with which to set out the objectives, forms and methods of
this revolutionary project, and express them at each moment through
slogans that can facilitate the transition from the immediate reality
to the end goal; slogans that, by definition, adapt themselves
permanently to the immediate circumstances.
2. Internationalism
The Bolivarian socialist revolution is unfolding within an
international framework and a national reality. The programmatic
definitions are therefore rooted in two different spheres: on one side,
in the will for transformation based on an interpretation of the
material fundamentals of historical development at the world scale and,
on the other, in the immediate conditions of our country at a given
Basing itself on the Bolivarian tradition, the program of the PSUV
champions internationalism and takes as its starting point the belief
that the grand objectives of the revolution will have only been
obtained when the Latin American and Caribbean people obtain unity and
national and social emancipation, and together with the people of all
the world we have buried capitalism in order to open the door to a new
era in the history of humanity.
But the concept of internationalism that the Party holds is not one of
simple "international fraternisation between peoples", nor one of
simply exhortations for "tolerance". The Party fights to create a truly
international united front of the peoples that is anti-imperialist and
confronts the aberrations that imperialism pretends to universalise
where they appear.
The PSUV will work tiresomely to:
* Favour all activities that favour the unity of the people based, more
than just on a simple exchange, but on the principle of "doing things
together", so that the people get to know each other and feel a
commitment to each other.
* Diversify international relations and create new alliances in order
to construct new axes, different to those favoured by the interests of
the international market, transnationals and neoliberalism.
* Favour a solidarity-based exchange of resources with other countries,
particularly with Latin America and the Caribbean, where the
solidarity-based and humanist dimension prevails over merely commercial
3. Build Popular Power. Socialise power
The program of the PSUV has as its objective making reality the slogan
"in order to end poverty you have to give power to the poor", or better
said: the people. That is to say, build a government based on Councils
of Popular Power, where workers, campesinos, students and popular
masses are direct protagonists in the exercising of political power.
The program of the PSUV proposes the socialising of political power,
establishing the direct exercising of decision-making power by the
masses in their organisations; their unrestricted right to scientific
research and the free artistic creation, and the democratisation of
access to all cultural policies.
The PSUV will carry out a constant struggle to:
* Promote democracy and a assembly-based culture within the Party, and
in all spheres where it is present (communities, work fronts, areas of
study, activity etc.)
* Struggle to make self-government a reality, with cities, communal councils and communes as the basic political units.
* Promote, where necessary, the creation of new territories and/or
municipalities in areas of human settlements, that, for historic,
geo-political, cultural, productive or strategic reasons require the
overcoming of fragmentation, along with the creation of their
respective self-governments.
* Struggle for the transference of the largest amount possible of the
planning, execution and control over public policies to these city
governments, communes and community councils by the constituent powers
and its institutions.
* Promote direct and constant participation. That the largest amount of
men and women possible be involved in the resolution of all the
problems posed by the struggle in its different phases and levels: from
the socialist cities to the commune and the communal councils in
different areas (popular power, social missions, water committees,
sports committees, cultural committees, housing committees etc) up to
the military reserves. In regards to the specific area of industrial
workers, two fundamental axes for the implementation of this task
should be the concepts of popular control and self-management.
4. Planned economy. Communal state
The program of the PSUV proposes to move in the direction of a
democratically planned and controlled economy, capable of ending
alienated labour and satisfying all the necessities of the masses.
Throughout this period of transition, which at this moment marches from
a state capitalism dominated by market forces towards a state socialism
with a regulated market, the aim is to move towards a communal state
socialism, with the strategic objective of totally neutralising the law
of value within the functioning of the economy.
The PSUV proposes to build:
* A productive, intermediary, diversified and independent economic
model based on the humanistic values of cooperation and the
preponderance of common interests.
* A society that prohibits latifundio, transferring these lands into
property of the revolutionary state entities, public companies,
cooperatives, communities and social organisations capable of
administering and making the land productive.
* A society that prohibits monopolies and the monopolists of the means
of labour, that is to say, of the "sources of life" [1], or any other
activities, agreements, practices, behaviours or omissions by them that
make vulnerable the methods and systems of social and collective
* A society with property models that privileges public, indirect and
direct social, communal, citizens' and collective property, as well as
mixed systems, respecting private property that is of public utility or
general interest and which is subjected to contributions, charges,
restrictions and obligations.
* A society that defends non-alienated labour, with sufficient free
time so that human beings have time for voluntary work and rest time
for scientific and humanistic creation, as opposed to the capitalist
productive system that revolves around the prolongation of the work
day, the prolongation of free labour (for the capitalist owner) or
increasing "productivity", that is, accentuating the stress levels of
the labour force.
* A society that is inclined towards collective forms of property and
labour, that is capable of distributing the "social product" in order
to maintain the means of production, broaden out production, create
funds or insurance against accidents or natural phenomena, cover
administration costs, satisfy collective necessities (schools,
hospitals etc.) and sustain people who are unable to work, and
afterwards proceed in "dividing up" for consumption purposes.
5. Defence of nature. Planned production
The program of the PSUV proposes the preservation of nature and the
planning of production for the satisfaction of collective necessities
in harmony with the requirements of the ecosystem.
The PSUV fights for:
* The non-proliferation of highly contaminating industries that are not of a highly strategic interests for all the nation.
* The development of technologies in accordance with the socialist and humanist model of society.
* Respecting for popular, traditional and millenarian technologies which produce in harmony with human beings and nature.
* The preservation of water basins and sources of water.
* Raising consciousness about the preservation of nature and against
the consumerist model of society that leads to the production of
useless objects at the cost of exhausting natural resources.
* The promotion of consumption of ecological products.
* The promotion of collective and public transport use.
* The promotion of developing alternative sources of energy.
* Raising consciousness about saving energy usage.
6. Defence of the revolution and sovereignty
The program of the PSUV takes up the issue of the defence of the
revolution, national sovereignty and public security through an
indissoluble union of the FAN (National Armed Forces) and the people in
In this sense, the PSUV takes up the tasks of:
* An alliance with the Armed Forces. A central issue of revolutionary
strategy is the alliance of the people as a whole with the National
Armed Forces, as well as the workers with the middle classes of the
countryside and city (small and medium-sized peasantry, small
industrial and commercial bourgeoisie in urban and rural areas).
* The organisation of Popular Militias.
* The organisation of Defence Committees in the Communal Councils, together with the reserves.
* The application of the principles of integral military defense and popular war of resistance.
7. A state based on Popular Power
The program of the PSUV proposes the construction of a state based on
Councils of Popular Power, with the full and democratic participation
of workers, campesinos, students, housewives, intellectuals, artists,
small producers and petty traders from the countryside and cities,
guaranteeing the widest possible participation and protagonism of the
people in determining and realising their destiny.
Based on these fundamentals, the search, elaboration and formulation of
a Program of Action is the most delicate task of the Party. It is also
the issue that verifies if its leadership bodies respond or not to the
expectations of the Party militants, whom, by definition, must be the
most finely honed antennas for detecting all the necessities and
requirements of the people as a whole, as well as the changes in
collective behaviour and transformations in the mood of the masses.
[1] The addition of "sources of life" is to point out that land is understood to be a means of labour.
Draft declaration of Principles of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV)
1. The Threat
With the beginning of the 21st century, humanity has entered full speed
into the most dangerous crossroads in history. Capitalism, in its
imperialist phase, has reached its limits. After the successive
palliative postponements of a structural crisis, which has been
corroding the foundations of the system for decades, the dominant
socioeconomic mechanisms in the planet are jammed and threatening to
explode. The crisis of this irrational mode of production, based on the
exploitation of countries, classes and individuals -- along with the
destruction of nature -- pushes the imperialist centres of the world
economy further into competition in a savage struggle for control over
Pushed, firstly by the logic of this competition, and then by the
necessity to find rentable forms in which to invest massive amounts of
excess capital (above all in the arms industry); and at the same time,
by the imperative of destroying excess commodities in order to fix up
the mechanism and reinitiate the economic cycle, imperialism is
dragging the world to war. With the current level of scientific and
technological development, unlike the two world wars of the 20th
century, this war will not limit itself to destroying human lives,
goods and commodities, so that they can once again be produced and
sold: it will end all forms of life on this planet.
The atrocities committed by the United States and smaller powers in the
invasion of Iraq is only an ominous prologue to what awaits humanity if
it is not able to put a brake on this deadly dynamic. Stopping
imperialism and impeding war are therefore the most transcendental
priorities for the peoples.
With the collapse of the Soviet Union at the beginning of the 1990s,
the floodgates that stopped capital easing its crisis were broken,
unloading it, without extenuating circumstances holding it back, onto
the dependent nations and its workers, peasants and middle classes.
Since then, the brutal cost of sustaining the system has fallen on the
shoulders of thousands of millions of people. The price of the
capitalist crisis in the imperialist centres is the dizzying increase
of misery in the Third World. An unprecedented concentration of wealth
into the hands of a few has as its consequence degradation, suffering,
hunger and death for the immense majority of humanity, including in an
increasing manner the peoples of the imperialist countries.
This avalanche of poverty is the other side of the crisis that
threatens life on Earth. Faced with the growing incapacity of the
institutions and alliances with which it maintained its power in the
20th century, imperialism now appeals to the desperate necessities of
millions of human beings in order to pit one against another in
fratricidal wars, which can result in nothing but destruction,
degradation and death on a scale never seen before.
2. Defeat poverty
Ending poverty, abandonment, marginalisation and the forced
dehumanisation of hundreds of millions of people is therefore another
priority, inseparable from the previous one, in this current historical
moment in which we live: without ending the polarisation of wealth and
the growth of poverty beyond anything ever seen in history, war will be
At the same time, world history, and most clearly of all, the
Venezuelan experience, has demonstrated that capitalism, even less so
in the era of the crisis of imperialism, far from ending poverty,
increases it everyday with its irrational evolution, showing the world
that socialism is the only rational, necessary and possible direction
to take at this crossroads for humanity.
3. Exercising power
The conclusion is clear: in order to end poverty, it is necessary to
give power to the poor and build socialism; to impede war, it is
necessary to end imperialism.
4. The necessity of internationalism
The Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuela has placed itself at the
vanguard of this struggle, which from within our national borders has
projected itself to the world as a whole. The Bolivarian ideal -- that
Latin American internationalism, which 200 years ago raised the banner
of union south of the Río Bravo, independence, sovereignty and the
search for the largest sum of happiness possible for the peoples --
defeated at the time by the collusion of imperialism with the local
oligarchs, today is being reborn through the socialist revolution
which, from Venezuela, marks out a horizon of life, peace, liberty,
democracy and happiness for all, converting itself into a beacon for
thousands of millions of human beings in America and the world.
Venezuela is the victim of attacks, conspiracies and war preparations
by the United States not just because of its immense petroleum wealth,
which the greed of the industrial powers have always longed for, but
because the Bolivarian Revolution is an example for a world submerged
in capitalist crisis.
5. Defence
The defence of sovereignty is identified with defence of the Bolivarian
Socialist Revolution. It converts itself into a landmark as to whether
imperialism can advance or not in its bellicose, annexationist,
divisive and destructive dynamic across the world.
6. Unity
In order to confront such an enormous challenge, the Bolivarian
Revolution needs to accrue, consolidate and articulate, with maximum
efficiency, the union of the Venezuelan people as a whole; it needs to
work tirelessly for Latin American-Caribbean unity. It must join with
the nations of the South and the peoples of the entire world to create
a force capable of countering, neutralising and defeating imperialism.
The (Bolivarian Party for the Socialist Revolution) of Venezuela is the
instrument for carrying out these strategic tasks that history has
placed once again on the table, now behind the banner of socialism.
Above all, it will be the political instrument for uniting into
revolutionary and socialist action all the victims of capitalism in
Venezuela. This social and political unity of the grand majorities will
allow the Bolivarian Revolution to carry out the tasks it has set for
itself: education, health, housing, work and wellbeing; and will allow
for the preparation of the people as a whole, so that together with the
FAN [National Armed Forces] at the vanguard, it will be possible to
face up to the challenge of defending our sovereignty in the face of
the threats of invasion and violence that imperialism will use as a
last recourse in order to impede the advance of the Revolution.
The Party (Bolivarian Party for the Socialist Revolution) of
Venezuela is born as an expression of the revolutionary will of the
people and their political leadership. It is the product of the
revolutionary unity of the majorities and sees the supreme value of a
plural, multifaceted unity that encompasses the broadest diversity in
regards to ethnic, ideological and political origins, and around which
the destiny of the homeland will be forged. Given that it summarises
the most outstanding effort towards national and social emancipation of
our past, the most genuine Latin American internationalism, and because
it has been the motor of the socialist revolution underway in
Venezuela, Bolivarianism is at this moment in history the point of
unity of all the perspectives of revolutionary and socialist thought.
7. Direct participation
This unity requires the full and democratic participation of workers,
peasants, youth, intellectuals, artists, housewives, small producers
and petty traders from the countryside and the city, in the formation
and running of all its component organs, in discussion and decision
making in regards to programs and strategies, and in the promotion and
election of its leadership.
An instrument of struggle made up of millions of free men and women,
the Party (Bolivarian Party for the Socialist Revolution) of Venezuela
at the same time ratifies the necessity for an effective centralisation
for action in the great battles already laid out: against poverty,
against exploitation, against the degradation of human beings, against
internal reaction and their imperialist masters. A tool for the
unification of the grand majorities, the Party (Bolivarian Party for
the Socialist Revolution) of Venezuela is born nevertheless with the
conviction that it faces a constant military threat from internal and
external enemies of the Revolution, which is why it assumes
responsibility, at all levels, for the defence of the homeland, in
order to confront and defeat imperialism if it dares to tread on our
Brought to life by the government of the Bolivarian Revolution and
under the impulse of President Hugo Chavez, the Party (Bolivarian Party
for the Socialist Revolution) of Venezuela nevertheless is not the
government. It is the political controller of the objectives of the
government and will keep a watch over it to ensure these objectives are
carried out. At the moment of its conception into national and
international political life, the nexus point between the government
and the Party is Commandante Chavez, and the full adoption by the Party
of the five motors and the seven strategic guidelines that today
summarise the program, the strategy and the tactics of the Bolivarian
8. The principal responsibility
The responsibility of the Party consists in organising the people on a
territorial basis and through fronts: workers, peasants, students,
youth, intellectuals, artists, housewives, small producers and petty
traders from the countryside and the city, around their necessities and
concrete demands and in the function of those strategic and tactical
guidelines and the Program adopted by the Founding Congress of the
Party (Bolivarian Party for the Socialist Revolution) of Venezuela. The
Party is therefore the point where the expression of popular will and
the application of those guidelines of the Revolution (from the
construction of houses, sanitary attention, education, up to the armed
defence against an eventual foreign invasion) come together.
9. Overcome fragmentation and anarchy
This symbiosis, the dialectical interaction which must materialise
constantly in the Party, overcomes all notions of abstract autonomy, as
much from the government, as from the social movements, in order to
make way for a constantly changing synthesis, in which the Party acts
at the same time as a two-way transmission belt and leading motor.
The Party is constantly constructing spaces of unity within diversity.
Considering the construction of socialism as a great strategic
objective, the Party treats all tactical and programmatic proposals,
concrete actions, and decisions taken in line with this objective with
the necessary tolerance and broadness, in order to achieve consensus
amongst the forces that support the Bolivarian Revolution. The Party
understands the possibility and necessity of diverse layers of the
population coming onboard the process of constructing socialism as a
result of a collective or individual understanding of the risk that the
prolongation of capitalist society means.
10. Original and creative
Following Simon Rodrigez's maxim, "we invent or we err", the socialism
of the 21st century that the Party (Bolivarian Party for the Socialist
Revolution) of Venezuela fights for will be original, its own, creative
and will have a profoundly collectivist sense of exercising power. The
Party will go to great efforts to educate itself and others in human
experiences that have distant antecedents, such as American Indian
cosmovision and primitive Christianity and more recent experiences like
those that from the 20th century that gave rise to the Soviet Union,
Eastern Europe, China , North Korea, Vietnam and Cuba . But the
socialism of the 21st century will be the consequence of a creative
praxis, the free exercise of the will and desires of the Venezuelan
people. It will be "neither imitation nor copy", to borrow the
expression of José Carlos Mariátegui, but rather a "heroic creation".
It recognises the diversity of our origins and values the Indigenous,
European and African roots that gave rise to our great South American
nation. It incorporates from the doctrine of Simon Bolivar, in
particular his anti-imperialist vision and his ideas about the
necessity of the union of Latin American and Carribean countries; from
Simon Rodriguez, his struggle of a liberating, popular education for
all; and from Ezequiel Zamora his struggle for social property of land,
his confrontations with the oligarchic powers and his program of social
11. The construction of socialism: the only way out
Just as it is indisputable that private property over the means of
production in any society determines the relations of labour, human
relations and all aspects of life, negating the objectives of a
humanist, solidarity-based, socialist society, it is no less true that
the transition, above all at this current moment in humanity, demands a
careful, objective evaluation of each step taken, in order to always,
and at all times, guarantee the conscious participation of the majority
and the necessary efficiency to carry out all the requirements of
national life, including its defence.
One does not have to be religious in order to identify with and be at
one with basic principles of Christ that champion justice, equity and
human and fraternal relationships between persons. "You will not
oppress the poor and needy day labourer, be they from amongst your
brothers or a foreigner that lives in the lands within your city", "Woe
to me if you build your house without justice, and your rooms without
equity, living off your neighbour for free, and not giving him the
salary for his work!", "No one can serve two masters because he will
loathe one and love the other. You can not serve both God and wealth",
"Blessed are the poor, because for them is the kingdom of heaven,
blessed are those that have a hunger and thirst for justice, because
they will be quenched, blessed are the merciful, because they will
receive compassion".
One does not have to be an atheist in order to agree with Marx's
scientific analysis which led him to affirm: "in the capitalist system
of production, labour is external to the worker it does not belong to
his essential being; that he, therefore, does not confirm himself in
his work, but denies himself, feels miserable and not happy, does not
develop free mental and physical energy, but mortifies his flesh and
ruins his mind. The worker feels himself only when he is not working;
when he is working, he does not feel himself. This produces the
reversion of all human values".
The exploitation of human by human is an impediment to being able to
see and recognise the human being within oneself and the one in front
of them; it contradicts the sentiments of solidarity; it mutilates the
ties of friendship. Capitalism kills by hunger or by glut, but it
always kills.
Capitalism contradicts the human condition and goes against the
survival of the species. The planet is being destroyed. The irrational
imperative for growth is provoking the destruction of ecosystems and
threats to extinguish the sources of life on Earth. This catastrophic
dynamic is caused by the irrationality of a socioeconomic system that
omits the necessities of humanity and acts under the obligation of its
own logic, compelled towards constant growth in the pursuit of profit.
In this crazy race, capitalism provokes periodic moments of crisis
where, again in the pursuit of profit, it is necessary to destroy
massive amounts of human lives and material goods.
Ever since human society was divided into classes, there has been
resistance and struggle against oppression and exploitation. But with
the victory of capitalism over feudalism and the dominance of the
capitalist mode of production at the world scale, the social struggles
of the industrial workers' movement fused with the most advanced
thought of its time and gave rise to the struggle for a socialism based
on science and the most deeply felt sentiments of human beings.
Simultaneously, in our continent, Simon Bolivar was laying the
foundations for national and social emancipation with his liberatory
struggle and his humanist and revolutionary vision, affirming words
that today are fundamental for the union of our peoples and the social
transformation of our time.
Faced with the crisis of the system and the grave threats that come
with it, the contemporary challenge consists in guiding action in such
a way that the exploited and oppressed masses of Venezuela assume the
maximum amount of knowledge of history, the economy and political
theory, in order to tackle the immense task of responding in an
original manner, embedded in concrete reality, to the roots of what it
means to be Venezuelan, the cultural particularities, including of each
region and social group, in front of every normal day demands, each
difficulty put forward by the transition from capitalism to socialism.
For the Party (Bolivarian Party for the Socialist Revolution) of
Venezuela there are no recipes from a manual, nor can there be, nor
impositions by anyone who is not the conscious, organised Venezuelan
people themselves, standing up and ready for combat
Inter-imperialist competition opens up cracks between the owners of the
world and by default creates a multi-polar world in constant turmoil,
to which the United States can only counterpose its military supremacy.
Simultaneously, due to the demands to maintain its rate of profit, the
out of control voracity of imperialism subjugates the bourgeoisies of
sub-developed countries beyond what is tolerable. Those who for two
centuries were submissive minor partners, who benefited from the
looting of their own peoples, see themselves pushed into conflicts that
fracture their former association of convenience. While the disputes
between imperialists paralyses the world institutions that came into
being at the end of the Second World War, and fragments at every point
on the globe the hegemonic bloc comprised of imperialists and
subordinated capital, the combined impact of this phenomena, within a
framework of constant and growing popular rebellion, has worked towards
demolishing the institutions through which political power was
sustained in countries with dependent and sub-developed economies. The
world is therefore witnessing realignments of all types, always to the
detriment of the power of the United States.
This conjuncture opens up the perspective of calling for an
international anti-imperialist bloc on a grand scale, with the
participation of national, provincial and local governments, different
types of social movements and political forces from a broad ideological
viewpoint. The idea is to unite in action hundreds of millions of
people throughout the entire world against imperialism and its wars.
Similarly, in Latin America there exists the possibility of producing a
qualitative transformation in the politico-organisational reality of
tens of millions of exploited and oppressed. The Party (Bolivarian
Party for the Socialist Revolution) of Venezuela therefore sees the
necessity of forging instruments in which they can converge, and at the
same time remake universal revolutionary thought, as the vanguard in an
era of immense challenges and great victories: capitalism is
international; the revolution is international; our thought and the
action must be international.
Action in function of the notion of a global anti-imperialist bloc and
the revolutionary and socialist convergence of the Latin
American-Caribbean peoples, will guide the steps taken by the Party
(Bolivarian Party for the Socialist Revolution) of Venezuela with the
certainty that making these objectives a reality will change the
relationship of forces at the international scale and inaugurate a new
historic era.
The agony of imperialism is an unavoidable fact. The Party (Bolivarian
Party for the Socialist Revolution) of Venezuela is born in order to
defend the homeland, to lead the revolution towards its emancipatory
objective, to join with all the other peoples of the world in the task
of burying imperialism and building a new world, fit for a free and
full humanity
[Translated by Federico Fuentes and Kiraz Janicke for Links.]