Opinions & Analysis: Venezuelan Constitutional Reform

Here we link to some prominent Opinions and Analysis about the defeat in Venezuelan Constitutional Reform.

Here we link to some prominent Opinions and Analysis about the defeat in Venezuelan Constitutional Reform.

Venezuela After the Referendum
December 3rd 2007, by Tariq Ali - CounterPunch
The President is in office till 2013 and whatever else Chavez may be the description of 'lame-duck' will never fit him. He is a fighter and he will be thinking of how to strengthen the process. If properly handled the defeat could be a blessing in disguise. 

Getting Rid of the Chavista Echo Chamber
December 4th 2007, by Oil Wars
The first thing that needs to be pointed out is that this is a very real defeat, but not a major defeat. Chavez still has five years on his term and won't see his current powers weakened in any way. Further, the notion that we now know he will definitely have to leave in 2012 is silly.

The Venezuelan Referendum
December 4th 2007, by Clifton Ross - Dissident Voice
With the defeat of the Constitutional reforms at the polls on December 2, the Bolivarian Revolution has undeniably lost a battle in its long struggle to create a more just and humane society, but it has also proven that democracy is alive and well in Venezuela. 

Venezuela: The referendum defeat - What does it mean?
December 4th 2007, by Alan Woods - In Defence of Marxism
The problem is not that the Revolution has limited the democratic rights of the opposition and trampled on "press freedom". The problem is that the Revolution has been far too generous with its opponents, far too tolerant, far too patient, far too gentlemanly. 

Keeping the Record Straight on Venezuela
December 9th 2007, by John Pilger - Comment is free
In celebrating those who kept and continue to keep the record straight - the basis of all good journalism - I also recognise the need to identify the example of those at the other end of the spectrum, whose work is hardly journalism at all, but who possess the power of exposure in the so-called mainstream media.