Launch of Hands Off Venezuela in Malang (Indonesia)
- 25 March 2009
On March 3rd 2009, together with the book launch of Permanent Revolution by Leon Trotsky, the formation of Hands Off Venezuela branch in Malang, East Java, was declared. The declaration took place at IKA Brawijaya Malang building and was attended by representatives from students and workers organizations. Those who were present were interested not only to show their solidarity with the Venezuelan Revolution but also to discuss the Permanent Revolution book. Three speakers were invited to this event: Jesus SA (HOV Indonesia), Andi Irfan (SPBI, Indonesian Workers Struggle Solidarity), and Romo Robertus Wujanarko.
The launch of HOV branch in Malang coincided very
well with the launch of Permanent Revolution book. This was reflected in the
questions asked by the participants that tied together Venezuelan Revolution,
internationalism, and the theory of Permanent Revolution. Moreover, the
discussion about Permanent Revolution provided a starting point for the
revolutionary organizations of workers and students in Indonesia to
acquaint themselves with the ideas of Trotsky that can become a guide to a
systematic change in Indonesia.
In connection with the Permanent Revolution, Jesus SA, the speaker from HOV Indonesia, also reviewed the failure of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) in carrying its revolutionary task. PKI, as a party with huge mass base, which was supposed to carry the revolution in Indonesia, was destroyed because it adopted a wrong theory: the two-stage theory of Stalin. The publication of Permanent Revolution in Indonesia, according to Jesus SA, will provide a hope and a guide toward a socialist revolution.
The launch of HOV Malang and Permanent Revolution book also showed the need to be in solidarity with the Venezuelan Revolution, because this revolution could be the first step toward building a world-wide socialist revolution. Socialism cannot be built in one country. It has to go beyond national boundary.
Read this article in Bahasa Indonesia: Peluncuran Hands Off Venezuela (HOV) Malang
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