No Volverán Premiere in Canada
- 26 September 2007
On Thursday, September 20th Hands Off Venezuela Toronto held the North
American premiere of "No Volveran." Over 100 people packed into the
theatre, including a special guest, Oscar Perez Cristancho a Deputy of
National Assembly of Venezuela.
The crowd greeted the movie with a lot of enthusiasm, with many good questions about the nature and future of the revolution being asked by the audience at the Q&A session after the screening. One young woman asked about the legal situation around the non-renewal of RCTV's broadcasting license. Director Melanie MacDonald answered this quite well, referring the RCTV's support of the 2002 coup against the Chavez government and raising a discussion about just how free the capitalist "free" press really is.
Two anti-Chavistas in the group also asked a question, though they were less concerned with answer and more concerned with attempted to trip up HOV. Asking if the HOV delegation to Venezuela, depicted in the film, had received financing from any outside group (implying that HOV was being paid off by the Chavez government). MacDonald again replied very well to this, making very clear that the whole HOV delegation paid for their trip out of their own pockets and was fiscally beholden to no one.
MacDonald was congratulated by practically everyone (except the two
oppositionists) in the crowd. Many were extremely inspired by the film
and by the revolution that it depicted. The big event allowed for some
healthy fundraising to go towards future solidarity activities. Many of
the attendees also bought copies of "No Volveran" on DVD, which helps to
get the message out to an even wider audience. HOV Canada plans to use
this great launch event to organize more showings of this revolutionary
documentary across the country.
HOV would like to thank the generous support of the Venezuelan Consulate in Toronto, which helped make this impressive event possible.
Those wishing to get a copy of the No Volveran DVD can pay through the website of the British HOV campaign at which will forward the order to HOV Canada. Alternatively, contact HOV Canada directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to arrange delivery.
If you would like to organize a showing of No Volveran in your community, school, union or group, please get in touch and we will be happy to assist you.