Report from Madison, WI HOV

An update on the activities of the Madison, Wisconsin HOV Campaign.

The HOV group in Madison, Wisconsin is meeting regularly, and planning the following activities:

* Encourage letters to the local media regarding CITGO’s oil campaign

*Contact local union leaders requesting endorsement of resolutions expressing solidarity with Venezuelan workers and the HOV campaign

*Co-sponsor an event that raises awareness of the HOV campaign in the Latino community in Madison.

*Contact local high schools with offers to do presentations on Venezuela.

*Network with local Latin America solidarity organizations to reach their membership

The group also has a fairly large email list, and encourages members to share information on other local, national and international activities and news sources.

For more information, please contact Anne at atr94@hotmail.com

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Hands Off Venezuela's financial resources are limited so we rely on our supporters around the world.  Please make a donation of any size towards building the campaign