Launching of Hands Off Venezuela campaign in Indonesia received with great enthusiasm
- 02 April 2008
The launching of Hands
Off Venezuela in Indonesia
was received with great enthusiasm by many progressive elements. Attended by
about 70 people, HOV Indonesia was launched in the LBH (Indonesian Legal Aid
Foundation) building, Jakarta,
on 28 March 2008. In addition to delegates from organisations which are
involved in the national committee of HOV-Indonesia, such as Rumah Kiri, the PRP
(Working People's Association), the SMI (Indonesian Students' Union), the IGJ
(Institute for Global Justice),
SERIAL (Indonesian People's Solidarity for
Latin America), KPRM - PRD (The Political Committee of The Poor People's
Democratic Party), the LMND - PRM (National Student League for Democracy - The
Politics of the Poor), the KSM UNAS (Students' Study Group of the National
University) , this event was also attended by delegations from the KMK (Organisations
of Urban Poor), other groups who seek change in Indonesia, and individuals who
are interested in the revolutionary process in Venezuela.
The launch event was opened by a screening of No Volveran, a documentary about mass struggle in Venezuela to push the revolution forward. It was then followed by a discussion about Venezuela. Zely Ariane, HOV-Indonesia spokesperson, discussed the ideas of the new economy and new democracy by learning from the revolutionary process and socialist programs in Venezuela. Sadikin Gani from Rumah Kiri, who was a panellist for the discussion, emphasised the importance of an international movement in order to abolish capitalism. According to him, such a movement will succeed only if it is carried out throughout the globe.
From the discussion,
it was emphasised that the struggle of the Venezuelan masses and the political
stand of President Chavez are the inspirations needed to develop revolutionary
leadership and the forces of the revolutionary vanguard - and to arouse the class
consciousness of the masses in Indonesia.
This discussion was also a manifestation of the successful struggle of the poor,
who have no access to power. The struggle of the Venezuelan people to organise
themselves, build communities, take over factories, etc. - which are documented
in the film No Volveran - can be an
inspiration for the struggle for change in Indonesia. The contextualisation of
the struggle in Venezuela
becomes the most fundamental thing. Organising political education to develop
the class consciousness of the Indonesian masses using the lessons of the
Venezuelan revolution is a very effective tool. This requires continuous works,
and Hands Off Venezuela-Indonesia has undertaken this revolutionary
The discussion was ended with statements from organisations that were present to support this campaign. Several groups have readied themselves to hold a series of discussions amongst their own supporters, others will be monitoring and contributing to the HOV-Indonesia website. Another meeting will be held to plan future actions to build networks that can support the campaign on Venezuela as an inspiration for the building of a revolutionary movement in Indonesia.
Jakarta, March 28, 2008